From the title of this title you might think that I am going to try force a realist or materialist point of view on you. Rain on your parade about thoughts creating reality and such. That is not at all my intention here. My intention is solely to make some of you aware of the actual way that thought creates reality and why using such things as various quantum physics theories to explain and understand reality creation is a red herring.
The real secret in regards to reality creation is that of a hidden physics, one that is based of Plasma, or Electra-Magnetism and not gravity. In fact such respected men of science as Tesla and Einstein rejected gravity in favor of Plasma as the driving force of the universe later in life. A fact that is over-looked by those trying to explain the universe with all these wild and dead end quantum physics theories. Also in the Soviet Union during the Cold War their directions in understanding the physics of the universe went in some fairly wild directions that however, are quite provable via real world experiments. That work fills volumes and is not the intention of this article, however it does need to be brought up briefly.
In many occult orders and with solitary practitioners of Magick and reality manipulation the role of this hidden physics is understand to one degree or another. It is also understood by students of Classical philosopher's such as Plato. It is what is being pointed to when people try to put together a unified field theory. This notion of Plasma being the driving and binding force of the universe and thus reality.
This is where the good news comes for those who believe in things like the law of attraction, however with a tiny bit a bad news as well. Reality can be manipulated but it takes more than a couple of thoughts to do it. Positive thinking is good for making you popular, but what helps you manipulate reality is Will. This is more than just that whole often misunderstood Crowley thing “Do what thou wilt” . The Will is only a part of it. The Will or personal life force, all that you are and think is your Will and in order to create or manipulate reality this must be harnessed and directed so that it can than use the fabric of the universe to create in reality what is desired or to take away from reality what is not desired. This is where Intentional Thinking comes into play more so than Positive thinking which is a red herring and can be the subject of contention that can get in the way of using your will to manifest or creating in reality what is desired.
I must insist to the reader that I am not making this up off of the top of my head. This knowledge was gained by study of various magickal systems, psychic my links with geniuses of the past via meditation and sound, radionics, psionics, classical logical and philosophy, and various works on physics. There are many people out there writing about this alternative physics that the elites have kept secret from us.
The secret behind the secret is that the law of attraction is trumped by laws of plasma or electromagnetism. However, as I stated before it is actually good news because if one can learn how to force this binding and building force of the universe they can truly create the reality they desire.
The spiritual aspect of reality is
often overlooked in favor of the material. When I make use of the
word spiritual many may jump to the conclusion that I am referring to
the belief of one or more religious faiths. This is not true in this
case. When I refer to the spiritual here I am referring to something
that I believe to be a part of reality that is very much real and
transcends bondage to any particular faith. Also I am not referring
to the mental aspect of reality (who we are and what we think
internally as individuals) which is distinct from, but linked to the
spiritual aspect. For purposes of the concept that I am trying to
convey here the mental aspect of reality will represent what we as
individuals think or feel and the spiritual will therefore be what
those thoughts put forth into reality when linked with the thoughts
and feelings of other beings.
Our spiritual nature allows us to
impact reality as a whole in that what begins in our mental processes
moves beyond them from our spirit mixing with the spirit of other
beings or things. Our spirit and the spirit of other beings or
things may also be thought of as our vibration, their vibration, or
its vibration. The popular slang of the youth culture of the 1960s
and 1970s has made the word vibration seem a bit dated or trite,
however being aware of the vibrations that our spirit or vibration
sends out and how it manifests itself as a temporary or final reality
is something that needs to become the concern of all of us who are in
fact merely spiritual beings have a go at experiencing a material
world. A material world that we are co-creating.
The choices we make within our minds,
our mental reality, impact greatly our spiritual and material
realities as well as those of every other being or thing that has
chosen to manifest in this co-creation that we are collectively
experiencing as individuals. When we ignore this aspect of our
reality and shrug our part of this co-creation of reality or become
careless of what we allow to flow from our mental aspect into the
spiritual or material aspect this can allow malignancies to become a
part of reality on a spiritual or material level that will then
affect the realities of not only ourselves but the whole.
Our actions spiritually, mentally, and
materially affect each other and are connected to the whole of
reality which is also affected, therefore it serves us well to be
sure that all actions in any of these areas that we take are in our
best interests. Understand that what is in our best interest is what
is in the best interest of all creation. Understand what that means
now. Your best interest within the aspect of spiritual reality needs
to come for a pure intention, from the music that you listen to
through who you vote for. It is the intention behind each action
that affects reality on spiritual level negatively or positively.
This is different than how those actions affect reality material in
the material aspect. In the spiritual the affect comes from the
original mental intention for the action that is being made manifest
in the material or spiritual world. Therefore the carelessness of
ignoring the spiritual aspect can make even the best material action
have a negative result.
The ideal is to seek to merge all three
aspects of your reality into what would become the most beneficial
final reality. What would be the most beneficial final reality and
do you have to plan it out precisely? No the solution to all of
these is quite simple, first knowledge the fact that you are a
spiritual being have a shared material experience with other
spiritual beings within your mental aspect and then beging in your
mental aspect make it your intention to become a part of co-creating
the best final reality possible. Feel that intention as a real and
tangible force that is than transmitted into the spiritual and
material aspects of reality while keeping the thought of this
intention as a pilot light within our being, while forgetting it is
there just enough to allow you to interact of with others in this
material experience in order to be an affective co-creator. First
step is to stop ignoring the spiritual aspect of reality. Take that
step now.
At time people get consumed by the feeling that their glass doesn't quite have enough in it.
You have all heard the analogy of the glass being half empty verses the glass being half full.
I propose that both analogies are in error. I propose that our glasses are overflowing. At this point you may say that yes my glass is overflowing with bad things. You need to shift your focus to the good things that your glass is overflowing with. If you are unsure of just how to shift your mental focus to concentrate on good things rather than bad, a good place to start is with a gratitude list or lists.
Gratitude list are places where you can write about things you are grateful for, moments of good fortune, or good feelings that come your way. If you are a person that always feels money is going away from you then make a gratitude list for all the money you receive. Write down all times when money comes to you. Even if it is only a penny found on the street. You will be surprised at how fast you fill up that list.
If you are The Rodney Dangerfield of your family and feel that you get no respect, a good list for you to make would be one about the positive qualities of members of your family and things that they have done nice for you in the past. After you have done this start a list for they nice things that your family does for you on a daily basis, even simple things like having you over for dinner even if the dinner itself didn't g over too well. This list will begin to fill up very fast as well.
If you are a person that does not like you job you can also make a list about the things that you do like about your job. Making that list does not imply that you will need to stay at that job forever. What it will do is shift your focus to make yourself feel better until something more desirable comes along. When you begin to write down things that you like, such as working good hours, or at a convenient location, in regards to your present position you will be surprised to find just how fast this list fills up as well. As you begin to think about the good things that new focus will start to draw better situations at your current position and in the long run create a life of you liking.
Everyone has some sort of trauma from their childhood. These traumas that were caused by parents, other authority figures, siblings, a classmate, or playmates, and can haunt a person into the grave. However, making a list of all of the good experiences of your childhood can ease a great deal of that trauma. If that trauma is something that has given you the need for therapy, either continue with that therapy or seek it out. While you are doing that also make your list of the good times of childhood and maintain your mental focus on those times to aid in your recovery. Even those with horrible childhoods have some pleasant times to remember. The more you write down on your list of positive childhood memories the more you will remember. This will help in your healing process.
You may be a person that thinks you lead a boring life. If so you can start a list of experiences that you have that you enjoy. As you begin to make this list you will begin to find that your live is full or wonderful experiences and you will begin to have more of them. Your list of exciting life experiences will grow as quickly as any of these others lists. Make sure that what you focus on are the types of experiences that you wish to have more of. The more you focus on any type of experience the more that type of experience will be drawn to you.
If your romantic relationship seems lackluster it might be a good idea to create a list about all of the good experience you have had in the past and those times in the present that are more of what you desire. Make a list the concentrates on the good qualities of your partner and all of the great times that you experience with your partner. As you focus on those qualities and times they will increase and you will begin to notice more and more. Your attitude will begin to change and that will build more attraction chemistry between the two of you as a result. Barring extreme circumstances, one person in a relationship having a positive attitude can bring the other into alignment with the positive.
At times you may not have the benefit of making an actual list. For example, if you are out at a resturant or on holiday and a few things begin to go wrong. If you wish to save the day and shift focus so that the rest of the time is enjoyable begin to make a mental list of everything you are experiencing that is positive or to your liking. No need to let a bad glitch snowball into a complete blizzard.
By making these lists either on paper or in your mind you can go from being a person who sees the glass half full heading toward empty to becoming a person you sees their glass of positive experiences as being overflowing and in need of a few more glasses to hold all of the positive experiences. Once you begin to do that you will need to go to the sundry store in your mind and buy up all the glasses, put in an order for even more that will all be filled to overflowing.
Is your glass half full or half empty? Really, would not you rather have an over flowing glass and need more of them?
At time people get consumed by the feeling that their glass does not quite have enough in it. You have all heard the analogy of the glass being half empty verses the glass being half full.
I propose that our glasses are overflowing. At this point you may say that yes my glass is overflowing with bad things. You need to shift your focus to the good things that your glass is overflowing with. If you are unsure of just how to shift your mental focus to concentrate on good things rather than bad, a good place to start is with a gratitude list or lists.
Gratitude list are places where you can write about things you are grateful for, moments of good fortune, or good feelings that come your way. If you are a person that always feels money is going away from you then make a gratitude list for all the money you receive. Write down all times when money comes to you. Even if it is only a penny found on the street. You will be surprised at how fast you fill up that list.
If you are The Rodney Dangerfield of your family and feel that you get no respect, a good list for you to make would be one about the positive qualities of members of your family and things that they have done nice for you in the past. After you have done this start a list for they nice things that your family does for you on a daily basis, even simple things like having you over for dinner even if the dinner itself did not go over too well. This list will begin to fill up very fast as well.
Life is good, may you always have too much to drink!
If you are a person that does not like you job you can also make a list about the things that you do like about your job. Making that list does not imply that you will need to stay at that job forever. What it will do is shift your focus to make yourself feel better until something more desirable comes along. When you begin to write down things that you like, such as working good hours, or at a convenient location, in regards to your present position you will be surprised to find just how fast this list fills up as well. As you begin to think about the good things that new focus will start to draw better situations at your current position and in the long run create a life of your liking.
Everyone has some sort of trauma from their childhood. These traumas that were caused by parents, other authority figures, siblings, a classmate, or playmates, and can haunt a person into the grave. However, making a list of all of the good experiences of your childhood can ease a great deal of that trauma. If that trauma is something that has given you the need for therapy, either continue with that therapy or seek it out. While you are doing that also make your list of the good times of childhood and maintain your mental focus on those times to aid in your recovery. Even those with horrible childhoods have some pleasant times to remember. The more you write down on your list of positive childhood memories the more you will remember. This will help in your healing process.
You may be a person that thinks you lead a boring life. If so you can start a list of experiences that you have that you enjoy. As you begin to make this list you will begin to find that your live is full or wonderful experiences and you will begin to have more of them. Your list of exciting life experiences will grow as quickly as any of these others lists. Make sure that what you focus on are the types of experiences that you wish to have more of. The more you focus on any type of experience the more that type of experience will be drawn to you.
If your romantic relationship seems lackluster it might be a good idea to create a list about all of the good experience you have had in the past and those times in the present that are more of what you desire. Make a list that concentrates on the good qualities of your partner and all of the great times that you experience with your partner. As you focus on those qualities and times they will increase and you will begin to notice more and more. Your attitude will begin to change and that will build more attraction chemistry between the two of you as a result. Barring extreme circumstances, one person in a relationship having a positive attitude can bring the other into alignment with the positive. If you are not presently in a relationship the positive attitude you gain from focusing on lists you have written for other areas in your life just may have an impact on attracting that someone special.
At times in your life you may not have the benefit of making an physical list. For example, if you are out at a restaurant or on holiday and a few things begin to go wrong. If you wish to save the day and shift focus so that the rest of the time is enjoyable begin to make a mental list of everything you are experiencing that is positive or to your liking. Your focus will be on having a good experience. No need to let a bad glitch snowball into a complete blizzard.
I first published this here
Are you waiting for flying pigs?
Many people spend their lives waiting for good things to happen to them. Sometimes, on some level, they believe and even say, that these good things will only happen when pigs fly. Thus the career they want becomes a flying pig. The spouse a person wants becomes a flying pig. An overflowing bank account becomes a flying pig. The dream vacation becomes a flying pig. Ultimately even happiness becomes a flying pig.
Unconsciously, these people keep their focus on the impossibility of flying pigs instead of accepting a universe of possibilities that they can create if they will only put their focus on making the seemingly impossible happen for them.
It may be because they were born in poverty, with a disability of some sort, or have been people whom have made a some bad choices in life. Their experience has kept them trapped in a mindset of “that’s impossible” instead of one of “how do I make this possible”. In turn their mindset helps to create more negative experiences that then further trap them in this cycle of impossibility.
If you are one of these people the good news is that you can change impossibilities into possibilities by changing your perception and taking action based on that change. This can start with the adoption of an attitude of possibility.
If you hold an attitude that you won’t have the money you desire, the relationship that you desire, the health your desire, the career you desire until pigs fly then be aware that pigs have flown.
The first pig flew in Leysdown, in Kent, in 1909. Yes, this is a historical fact. In 1909 Lord John Theodore Cuthbert Moore-Brabazon, 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara put a pig in a wicker basket with sign saying “I am the first pig to fly” and took that pig on an airplane flight.
Lord Brabazon, through a change in perception of the phrase “When pigs fly”, turned it from impossibility to a possibility. Through a change in our perception we too can adopt an attitude of possibility within our minds that leads to actions that make possible everything we truly desire.
So now you have no further excuses for not doing what you want to be doing! Stop waiting for flying pigs to bring you your miracle. Pigs can fly and already have!
I first published this piece here